Article & News

Many Factors Affect Climate

Trade Winds and Atmospheric Oscillations For thousands of years, sailors relied on ‘trade’ winds to blow their ships, loaded with cargo, from place to place

97% Nonsensus

Consensus on Climate Change? They’re Fooling You There has never been a survey of all scientists, not even all climate scientists. “Catastrophic Anthropogenic (Human-caused) Global

Climate Always Changes

…And People Never Like It James A. Marusek has catalogued some 14,000 extreme weather events covering the years from 1 A.D. to 1900 A.D. But for

Interpol and Carbon Crime

Interpol and Carbon Crime “Carbon trading has become a huge business based on the absence of delivery of an invisible substance to no one.”Mark SchapiroHarper’s

Evidence Over Ideology

Computer Models versus Observations The fears of a climate catastrophe come from predictions based on computer simulations. Climate is a ‘wicked’ system – very complex

Rational Dissent – It’s Your Right!

Rational Dissent – It’s Your Right! Declaration of the Rights of Man and Citizen, 26 August 1789 11. The free communication of thoughts and opinions is

Social Costs of Carbon are Skewed

Social Costs Of Carbon Are Skewed “Carbon taxes” are developed based on what is called the “Social Cost of Carbon.” These are elaborate computer models

Polar Bears and Sea Levels

Polar Bears And Sea Levels Polar bears are far more resilient than many ENGOs say. Their numbers have increased; they are very adaptive animals. This