Climate science involves many different inter-related natural systems on earth.
It’s more than just the human influence or carbon dioxide/greenhouse gas emissions. Some climate drivers are natural and cyclical – like the repeating patterns of El Nino, Southern Oscillation. Some are spontaneous and unexpected – like volcanoes or large wildfires.
Climate Change – More than Just You and CO₂
Lots of earthbound and cosmic factors affect climate change. Many of them occur in repeating cycles.
There has never been a survey of all scientists, not even all climate scientists.
The Sun is ~1 million times the size of earth, it influences all aspects of climate on earth – directly and indirectly.
The fact that weather is unpredictable is psychologically unnerving to people.
The fears of a climate catastrophe come from predictions based on computer simulations.
People have every right to question, dissent or reject the climate catastrophe claims. That’s freedom of speech.
Carbon taxes use computer models to estimate the long-term environmental and health damage caused by like coal.
Polar bears are far more resilient than many ENGOs say. Their numbers have increased; they are very adaptive animals.
INTERPOL's Guide to Carbon Trading Crime shows how carbon's intangible nature enables fraud and exploitation.
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Friends of Science

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